About mon petit chew chew

Hi y’all!

Welcome to Mon Petit Chew Chew (MPCC for short)! We are pet lovers, pet friends, pet parents, and all around fun people. Our pets are fun, too. I created this site to celebrate our connection with our furry friends, whether that means posting a pic of them being adorable, writing a love letter you can share on social, or even cooking up homemade, delicious little feasts for them. It’s called “mon petit chew chew” as a play on the French phrase “mon petit chou” (and sometimes “mon petit chou chou”) which translates literally to “my little cabbage,” and is a term of endearment for your little sweetheart (who might just happen to chew chew on everything).

The last three years, I spent time writing for Healthy Paws Pet Insurance, and I discovered a world of pet parents who went above and beyond for their furry family members: there was a woman who beat cancer with her beloved kitties by her side; did you know dogs can help veterans with PTSD? And I’ve seen nonprofits spend their own money to make sure those in need can feed their best friend that week. It’s remarkable how these little beings help us be better humans. 

I adopted my first dog, Kitty, in 2016, and it changed my life. I want to talk to you about how your pets -- any pet! I just happen to have two puppers -- changed your life.

I hope you enjoy! And by all means, please send me your stories and pictures!

Colleen & MPCC

me and kitty.jpg