Happiness is a Warm Puppy

From the Charles M. Schulz Museum:

The iconic phrase, “Happiness is a warm puppy,” debuted 60 years ago today with this Peanuts strip first published on April 25, 1960.⁠

Charles Schulz would go on to write and illustrate a collection of “Happiness is…” sayings for the book “Happiness is a Warm Puppy” (Determined Productions, 1962). At first, Schulz wasn’t sure he could come up with more “Happiness is…” ideas. But, he sat down at his drawing desk and within an hour had come up with more than enough ideas to fill an entire volume. The book spent 45 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list, and by 1967, it had sold over one million copies throughout the world!⁠

Give your pups some extra hugs today (and every day)!

Some of the most important parts of pet parenthood are our memories, moments, or celebrations together. It could be adopting a pet and starting a life together, or the heartbreak when you must say goodbye. You can share your story by drafting it yourself, or hit me up to interview you. Email monpetitchewchew@gmail.com and we can get started. 

Colleen Williams